HSGL Newsletter Archives
Newsletters, Meeting Minutes, Events and Program Flyers, & More!
The Historical Society of Greater Lansing has published a newsletter since the 1950s. The title, format, and breadth has changed dramatically over the years, but it has been a constant since our founding. Offered here is a digitized archive of HSGL newsletters, occasional early meeting minutes, many program and event flyers, and other ephemera from the society’s past.
Newsletter titles through the years include: The Local Historian (1956), Heritage (1957-1958), Town Crier (1958-1984), no name (1984-2001), HSGL News (2001-2003), History Explorer (2003-present).
There are notable gaps in this digital collection. The collection here is comprised of Lansing library collections and private papers of former society board members. If you can help fill in gaps or have a full or partial run of HSGL newsletters, meeting minutes, or any organizational papers you would like to donate please contact us.
Special thanks and immense gratitude to longtime HSGL member Timothy Bowman for digitizing these archives and sharing his work with the society and the public. Timothy wishes to acknowledge the collections from which this digital archive was assembled: Library of Michigan (thanks to Matt Pacer), Capital Area District Libraries Local History from the papers of David Caterino and Diana Reedy (thanks to Heidi Butler), and the personal collections of former HSGL board members Bill Atkinson, Linda R. Peckham, and Craig A. Whitford.
Volume and issue numbering is off at this point. The transition from November 1965 to January 1966 should have continued Volume 7, but instead the newsletter editors changed to Volume 8 mistakenly. That numbering system is maintained in the listing here.